Sunday, June 7, 2009

TGIS-Thank Goodness it's Sunday!

Well today was Sunday and as you continue to read my blogs, you will figure out that Sundays are my favorite days of any given week. I mean, who wouldn't love getting up at the crack of dawn to play drums in a praise band, take an afternoon nap (I almost never get to do that) and then go hang out with some of the funniest and most awesome junior high and senior high kids ever! Besides the getting up extra early part, Sundays are usually awesome in the world of Joe and this Sunday was no different. Church was really great. Russ, a guess speaker from St. Louis talked about starting over and man did he do a great job. In my life, there are things that I would love to delete and start over again and one of the cool things about God is the fact he gives us as Christians the opportunity to do that in our lives. No matter what we do, God will love us and forgive us for any of the transgressions that we have made. Now the consequences will still be there but if we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, God washes us clean and we start over. That's so cool. After church I went home and hung out house for a while and then I went to youth group. Youth group was so much fun because I hadn't been there in a few weeks and I missed the kids for sure. They are hilarious! Bryan talked about storms and the fact that it's okay to ask the "Why me?" questions to God and to be mad at God when life throws us for some loops but something he said really spoke to me and its so true. He said that bad things happen to good and bad people. There have been times in my life, where people have lost loved ones or just went through a heavy storm in their lives and I just think "Man, how could these people have to go through this when they have been so faithful to you God?" It's one of those cases where I don't understand the ways of God and what he's doing in my life and the lives of others all the time but one thing I do know is that most storms that people experience make them better and some way and God uses the tough times for his glory and that in the end makes it all worth it. I think the words that Bryan said will help me whenever I go through my next storm and I'm grateful for that. After youth group we all went to Vandalia lake to play some beach volleyball. Myself and the kids had a blast and if you are wondering who won, you shouldn't be because you should just know that my team always wins no matter what. That's just the way it is. Well it's time to start a new week and I'm interested to see what God has in store for me this week and the doors that he might open and maybe even close. It should be good. Well until next time, love you all. GO LAKERS!