Tuesday, June 29, 2010


"A spirit of expectancy is the breeding place for miracles"

The above mentioned quote is something that one of my dearest friends, Nina Daniels spoke over a camp of about 1000 a few years ago that I was on staff at. Nina, was leading worship with a team from Rockford Masters Commission and when she spoke those words on the stage as we all were entering into a time of worship that week, in my mind, I was like "Whoa, that is straight up profound." It's not even profound because of the words but really I see it to be powerful because of the truth that is behind it. Think about it, when you think about miracles, you think about the impossible happening. Jesus performed so many miracles in the bible especially in the gospels and in so many cases, the people who he healed or delivered were brought to Jesus by someone else or they came to Jesus by themselves, knowing who Jesus was and expecting Him to move and make something happen. People followed Jesus by the masses because they knew that He could move the mountains, they knew and believed in his power. The spirit of expectancy was evident in Jesus's followers from the bible. It was crazy the things that Jesus did. Walking on water, healing the blind, etc.

I'm kind of on expectancy kick because of a few things. Number 1, is that I'm about half way through my internship and as I was spending sometime with the Lord today, I marveled at the many things that He has already done, but I felt as if I need to expect Him to do so much more in my life and the lives of the teens that I'm working with for the remainder of the summer. Seriously, the things that have been happening around me have been amazing in every way. People are getting called to Englewood and Englewood Assembly because of the serious move of the Holy Spirit that has hit this church over the past few weeks and months. There are kids in my youth group who I know are in completely different places in their lives than they were days ago, weeks ago, months ago. God is so good. Crazy. Earlier, I read a blog post from my buddy, Jordan and he was talking about how he wanted people to pray about the youth service that he was leading at the church that I serve at when I'm at school on July 11th. His words were this "I know something crazy awesome is going to happen at Fusion Vandalia on July 11th" Jordan is expecting God to move in radical way. I close with this. Are you expecting God to move in your life? To change the hearts of your friends? To help you get that new job? There is power in expecting the Lord to work in you. In my life and for the rest of the summer here is my prayer and I hope that it can be a prayer for you life as well.

"God, you are good and I know that whatever you have for me is your will. I'm expecting you to do what you want and have your way in me, my friends, family and whoever else you place in my life. Show me Your ways and that I may walk in them each and every day."

Bless you guys and I love the 4 people who read this on a consistent basis. Until next time.

Isiah 30:18

Currently Listening to:
The I Heart Revolution-Hillsong

Currently Reading:
Communicating for Change:Andy Stanley