Thursday, June 17, 2010

You can't fight fate!

As I'm writing this blog post, I am fighting back tears as the Lakers have just won their 16th NBA championship. Oh they won last year as well. HAHA! I love the lakers and my main man Kobe so today is a pretty awesome day. Boston played well and almost won but at the end, they learned a valuable lesson....YOU CAN'T FIGHT FATE! This past week has been a great one for as I've now been in Colorado for 3 whole weeks. They have flown by. Tommorrow is Friday? Seriously? I've been having a blast. I spend just about every day hanging with the youth at Englewood Assembly. They truly crack me up. Jody and TJ, are even funnier than the youth so needless to say, I have been laughing up a storm with some amazing people.
God has really been doing some cool stuff in the church and specifically with the youth and myself. This Tuesday was the start ofi the youth internship that I am leading here at the church. It's a time where we study God's word, pray, serve the church and the community and of course have lots of fun as well. Right now, we are studying the book of Ephesians and today we talked through the first chapter and it was cool to see that some of the teens that were with me actually understood what Paul was speaking to the Ephesus church. The fact that we were choosen by God to live out a certain purpose for him still amazes me at times. Ephesians is a legit book in the new testament and its a book that has one of my favorite verses that the Lord has been working on me with and that's Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." I have to remember this like all the time because of my ability to be mean and say things that don't need to be said. Thank goodness the Lord is gracious and compassionate cause there are times when I'm not and I have to say to myself "Ephesians 4:29" haha. I fail a lot but its all good, God still loves me. Praise God! I'm pumped to dive into chapters 2 and 3 next week. I'm also pumped to see how God changes some lives through the internship and the many different experiences that my group has.
Wednesday was great because the group of youth interns and myself sat in the senior service at EA and man was it awesome to witness. The seniors in are church are super spiritual and are straight up pray warriors. As I told the teens, they are full of wisdom and Sister Barbara brought the word for realz! It was really cool. We also had a pray walk around Flood Middle School which is a big closed down school building that might be the future home of EA. I thought it would cool to pray over the building and claim it for God's purposes if its his will. It was good for sure. Youth group was great as we had so many new faces that came. I was really encouraged by the turnout and I hope to see more people show up next week. I had 3 brave youth souls compete in the happy meal challenge which tests a persons ability to drink a disgusting cheeseburger, fries and Hi-C orange drink all blended together to become an appetizing protein drink. It was nasty. My man Steven destroyed his personal drink and then finished off the other 2 competitors drinks as well. Needless to say, his stomach was hurting like something fierce later. We ended the night by playing some awesome basketball outside of the church. I was on fire all night but TJ says that it was a fluke. By the end of the summer and everyone else in Englewood will respect my game. That is da truth! This weekend will be fun as tommorrow some of the youth and I are going to see Toy Story 3. Saturday there is a big work day at the church and Sunday is the father's day picnic. That reminds me, gotta get my dad a gift. Oh shoot! lol. Well, I guess that's all for now. Time to order my lakers championship shirt and call it a night. Until next time...Love you all.

I Thessalonians 5:16-17