Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mighty Mountains!

Oh man, Friday was a glorious day! I went into the Colorado mountains for the first time with the guys and needless to say, it was amazing! I absolutely loved it. Matt rented ATVs for everyone so we all loaded up the truck and trailer and drove a few hours for a day of amazing fun.
The mountains were absolutely beautiful! It was unreal to be up in them at the altitude that we were at (12,000ft). I also saw some ducks and turkeys, oh yeah and deer! It was legit for sure. I did learn pretty quickly that ATVs/four wheelers are powerful machines as it took me a few hours to get the hang of using them. I got stuck a few times, lost control many of times and I even went over a bump so hard and fast that it almost broke Matt's back. Whoops. Minus that and TJ's fall off the Tyler driven ATV, we all had a great time just being together, eatin dogs over the fire and doin some sick ATV jumps (I have video to prove it) I took tons of pictures that will find there way on here when I get back to Greenville.
When we got back to Englewood, I showered since I was wet and everything from the many streams and mud puddles that we crossed. It also snowed a lot in the mountains which made the experience 10 times cooler, literally. Haha. Dinner consisted of some awesome pizza and I chilled for the rest of the night with Matt. CSI and Fringe are legit shows. For realz yo! Matt told me some more stuff about the youth group at EA and everytime I hear about them, I get more and more excited about the summer. Apparently, they are excited more me to be here as well. Sweet! I can't wait til June comes. Its gonna be an amazing 2 months! God is gonna work like crazy in my life and the lives of the youth! Glory! Well its time to sleep some more. Lazy Saturday! Love you all Until next time...

"The tongue, has the power of life and death..."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

WOW, I laugh a lot.

Today was really an awesome day. Except for my morning run. I've been running a few miles a day for the past few weeks and today, running at about 5,000 to 6,000 feet in the air really was not fun. The air was really thick from like reallt when I took my first step. Matt and everyone told me that this will go away once I get used to the Colorado air. I hope they are right because I felt like I was gonna die. Haha. Jody, another staff guy for EA is super funny. We literally laughed all day long. It was so great. He might be the fnniest guy I ever met and I know a lot of funny people. Like super funny people. Jody had me rollin. Unreal!
I also had breakfast at the church and Matt cooked probably the best biscuits and gravy ever! So good. Breakfast was cool because I got to meet Darren and Don. Matt, TJ and Jody have talked everyone up in the church to be great people and it was cool to finally meet some of the people that I have heard so much about.
Matt, TJ, Jody and I talked about my internship a ton today and it was really a great meeting. I threw out so many ideas and they liked most of them. Haha. I can say now that June 2nd is when I will become a temporary resident of Colorado. Its going to be sweet! I have so many cool ideas that I want to implement with youth and everything and I basically have free reign to do a lot of awesome things. I'm so ready just to get out here and get to know all of these kids. God has such a great plan for this summer and today was a day where the Lord really started fleshing what He wanted to see me do with my time over the next few months. It's so cool!
Lastly, we had a cookout at Matt's house and I saw so many old friends and new people from EA. It was a real fun time to just fellowship and hang with the people that I will see everyday for the next 2 months. Real exciting. It's super early right now. Like 5am so sorry if I haven't been more specific with my thoughts.
In a few hours, I'm going ATVing and hiking in the mountains with the guys. It's going to be amazing. Today is going to be a sweet day. I have to make sure I get batteries for my camera because these pictures will be must-see for real! Well time to spend some time with the Lord Almighty. Until next time folks.

Proverbs 10.19

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TV in the air!

So today my day started super early because of the serious load of homework that I have with the year winding down so Im really tired right now but today has been an awesome day so I have to blog about it. Class was class, work was work but after all that I got to head out to the St Louis airport to go to Colorado. Yep bloggin from Colorado folks. Haha. The airport experience was kinda cool, kinda not cool. Here's what I mean...

The security checkpoints are extra annoying. I have to take my belt off? Really? But I do know that the likelyhood of someone stabbing me or taking over my plane is pretty low

The food is real good but why did I just pay 12 bucks for a fast food meal?

Why is it so hot in airports!

See you get the good and the bad at airports but when I got on the plane, things started to get better. Frontier airlines will be my airline of choice from now on since they have Direct TV! Yep folks, I watched American Idol, the yankees game, womens bowling and minute to win it while 30,000 ft. In the air. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

Matt, my intern director picked me up at the airport and we talked about Englewood Assembly which is the church I will be interning at all summer, the whole way into Englewood and let me just say this. I know the Lord wants me here. EA is all about the broken people, the convicts, the drug addicts, I mean you name it, they want to touch their lives for the Lord. I'm pumped to meet them all over the next few days. I'm also really excited to really grow in my walk with the Lord this summer. This will be a huge preperation period in my life and its really is gonna be a great summer.

After some great burgers and tons of laughs (mainly by me) at Freddy's with TJ, Tyler and Matt its time to hit the hay. Tommorrow is gonna be a great but long day but I'm pumped to see what God's gonna do this trip. Glory! Until next time...

Proverbs 10.19

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Random thoughts from today

1.School is almost finished and I'm gonna be swamped with stuff until next weekend
2.I'm going to Colorado tommorrow, so that will be a legit break
3.Lakers are in the Western Conference finals
4.Running after not running for a few days sucks
5. Life without facebook and twitter makes my life 10 times more productive

So today in my COR class, we talked about miracles and it was honestly one of the greatest class periods I have ever experienced for this class. My prof, Dr. Iller asked the class if anyone had any "miracle" stories to share. At first everyone was playing it scarred and not saying anything but then the stories started to flow like crazy. One guy said that his dad got electrocuted and lived thru it. Another girl said that her best friend had water on her brain and was supposed to be brain damaged for the rest of her life but instead she is an amazing singer and dancer. She also is going to college next year. Another guy said that he was diagnosed with an incurable heart disease when he was six and it almost killed him. The disease was supposed to prevent him from playing any sports. Well he plays soccer at GC. One girl said that her father was on life support for 4 months and her friends prayed for her dad everyday at church camp and he was somehow healed. Now all I can really say to this is, GLORY TO GOD. Science tries to tell us that these events can't a possibly be more than a coincidence but the Lord is not a God of chance at all.
I started to think about all of the miracles in the bible. Jesus turning water into wine. Healing the blind man with spit. Raising Lazurus from the dead. I mean really there are so many unexplainable occurances in the bible that can be classified as miracles. It's amazing. In the mist of thinking about miracles, I thought about the fact that, so many times in life we are faced with things in our lives that seem impossible but God can make anything happen. Maybe you need a miracle to work in your life and if you do, keep praying because God works in mysterious ways and ultimately God always shows up and makes the blind see or turns water into wine in your life. Whatever way that needs to be done is up to the Lord. I'm writing a term paper on Miracles so I'm pumped to get to learn more things about miracles and how it affects and relates to my life.
Colorado is tommorrow and I'm so excited to hang out with my internship director and all of the other great people that I will be hanging with over the next few days. I'm even more excited because I have my mom's digital camera so I will hopefully be uploading some sweet pics for all of you to see. I'm looking forward to really dialoging about the internship this summer. If you don't know I will be interning at a great church near Denver. I will mainly be working with the youth so it will be a blast. I'm pumped to say the least. Well I gotta hit some serious homework so that's all for now. Until next time everyone. Love you all

Joe Canady
Proverbs 10:19

Currently reading:

Currently Listening to:

Monday, May 10, 2010

Who are you Lord.

So first of all let me just say that this weekend was so great since I got to be at home with my family for mother's day. It was so refreshing to be with my family and really just get to hang out with my best friend Luke as well. I hadn't seen anybody from back home in almost 2 months so it was awesome!
Sunday was a great day since I told my mom a few weeks ago that I wanted to bbq at the house. My mom or any of my other family members knew that I could cook let alone bbq so they were all putting an entire mothers day dinner at stake without knowing the outcome. I suprised everyone though with my amazing ribs, chicken, burgers, brats, pork chops and hot dogs. I was extremely proud of myself and happy that I could bless my mom, family and some of our closest friends. It was such a great day. Especially since the Cavs lost, much to the delight of my mom. Haha.
Well today I made the long trek back to Greenville and during the 4 hour trip, I thought about this question that my pastor, Paul proposed a few weeks ago in a message on doubt. The question is "Who are you, Lord" I really thought about who God is to me and here are some of the things that came to mind...

My Everything
True judge
God of Justice
King of Glory
Lover of my soul

Now really God is so much more than what I can put into words and I've been really realizing this more and more over the past month. I've been going through a serious storm over the past few weeks and as I said in a recent post, God has really been moving in my life in an incredible way through this. I hate that I can't be super specific about what's happening in my life but I hope in the future I will be able to cause its really amazing.
But what I want to end with Lord is really someone who can't even be put in words. It's really unexplainable how God works and I have no clue what's gonna happen in the next few months but it has to be HIS way and not my way. I know if its his way, I will be fine and he will get the Glory in the end. That's what its about, guys and gals. I truly believe that if we are obedience to the Lord and fall into his plan and desires for our life, God will supply your every need and he will be glorified in your life. I have to rememeber that all the time, these days because of how hard, painful and difficult it is to just be silent and helpless in my situation at times. Obey and God will get the Glory. When times are hard, Obey and God will get the Glory. When it becomes too much to take, Obey and God will get the Glory.
It's pretty easy for me to say that but its hard to do at times because when you want something so bad, its hard to not have it and not know whether or not your going to have it again but its getting easier because of how great my God is. We serve a God who will never leave or forsake us. A God who is always right. A God who loves us more than we can every imagine. I know the Lord always has my back so I have to choice to obey his will for my life. Every single day is a choice. I thought about this a few days ago and its so true and its how I will say goodbye to you all til tommorrow. Love the 3 people who might read this...
"Everyday is a battle, but my Lord fights for me"

Psalm 37.4