Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Random thoughts from today

1.School is almost finished and I'm gonna be swamped with stuff until next weekend
2.I'm going to Colorado tommorrow, so that will be a legit break
3.Lakers are in the Western Conference finals
4.Running after not running for a few days sucks
5. Life without facebook and twitter makes my life 10 times more productive

So today in my COR class, we talked about miracles and it was honestly one of the greatest class periods I have ever experienced for this class. My prof, Dr. Iller asked the class if anyone had any "miracle" stories to share. At first everyone was playing it scarred and not saying anything but then the stories started to flow like crazy. One guy said that his dad got electrocuted and lived thru it. Another girl said that her best friend had water on her brain and was supposed to be brain damaged for the rest of her life but instead she is an amazing singer and dancer. She also is going to college next year. Another guy said that he was diagnosed with an incurable heart disease when he was six and it almost killed him. The disease was supposed to prevent him from playing any sports. Well he plays soccer at GC. One girl said that her father was on life support for 4 months and her friends prayed for her dad everyday at church camp and he was somehow healed. Now all I can really say to this is, GLORY TO GOD. Science tries to tell us that these events can't a possibly be more than a coincidence but the Lord is not a God of chance at all.
I started to think about all of the miracles in the bible. Jesus turning water into wine. Healing the blind man with spit. Raising Lazurus from the dead. I mean really there are so many unexplainable occurances in the bible that can be classified as miracles. It's amazing. In the mist of thinking about miracles, I thought about the fact that, so many times in life we are faced with things in our lives that seem impossible but God can make anything happen. Maybe you need a miracle to work in your life and if you do, keep praying because God works in mysterious ways and ultimately God always shows up and makes the blind see or turns water into wine in your life. Whatever way that needs to be done is up to the Lord. I'm writing a term paper on Miracles so I'm pumped to get to learn more things about miracles and how it affects and relates to my life.
Colorado is tommorrow and I'm so excited to hang out with my internship director and all of the other great people that I will be hanging with over the next few days. I'm even more excited because I have my mom's digital camera so I will hopefully be uploading some sweet pics for all of you to see. I'm looking forward to really dialoging about the internship this summer. If you don't know I will be interning at a great church near Denver. I will mainly be working with the youth so it will be a blast. I'm pumped to say the least. Well I gotta hit some serious homework so that's all for now. Until next time everyone. Love you all

Joe Canady
Proverbs 10:19

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