Tuesday, February 2, 2010

All good things must begin...

Okay so since the new year started, I wanted to start back with the blog thing since it was awesome doing it last summer during my internship but I never got around to it...until now. So earlier I got a ridiculous email that caused me wanna punch someone. Instead of getting in trouble or going to jail, I thought I would just blog to release some steam. This isn't how I planned on starting the blog back up but I'm glad that I'm finally back. So many things have happened since the last time I have sung my life song on here that it would take me a long time to go through everything so over the next few weeks, I will probably be talking about some of the cool things that have been going on since last year but the main reason I feel like I need this blog is to really put my thoughts and desires and everything that is Joe. I'm hoping this replaces Facebook and all of the other things that make getting on the internet so addicting and time consuming but who knows. So starting now, Joe's Lifesong is back.
Last week marked the start of second semester and it was exciting for because among other things, classes started, the newspaper is back and this is semester 6 of my college career which is crazy. Soon I will start getting overwhelmed with homework, work and everything else that always comes at a more than steady rate after the first few weeks are done but right now, life is good. I'm excited to see what God is gonna do in my life over these next few months. I sense that these next few months are gonna be some of the best of my life. Now clue what that means for me but God is in control and I'm ready for whatever he brings my way. So I work at the computer repair office on campus and while I work I always listen to music. One of my favorite CD's to listen to is Fee's Hope Rising. Please listen to it because it is awesome. Much love and see you tomorrow!

Matt. 20:28
Currently listening to: