Monday, July 26, 2010

8 Crazy weeks

Wow, so it's been quite some time since I've blogged so I have lots to say. These past few weeks have been crazy busy, fun and enlightening in so many ways. I'm now in the last week of my internship in CO and to say that this summer has been amazing would be a huge understatement. I've learned a ton about myself, God and ministry that I know will stick with me for a long time. It's really been an extremely positive experience but before I get more deep into some seriously important things, I have some super funny stuff to share.

First of all, I turned 21 about a week ago and Englewood Assembly was so good to me for my birthday. I got cards, an ice cream cake and lots of hugs and well wishes. Oh yeah and they all sung to me during service which made me feel great. It was hard being away from my family n friends but my family here made it a great day. Most 21 years old do the regular things like get a beer or go to a casino but for me, I was just happy to drive the church van which brought another funny experience last week. I was taking a few of the youths to subway about 5 minutes away from the church and all of a sudden I ran out of gas. haha. It was super funny to me because TJ, my boss at the church had just given me the keys a few minutes before. So he gets there and I joke with him about not telling me that the van had no gas and he says "Dude, I just drive man, I don't know." I can honestly tell you that TJ is bar none one of the funniest guys I've ever met. TJ, myself and the rest of the staff here crack up all day in the office about the most random things. It makes the days so much fun.

Another funny thing that is funny but also needs to go on your prayer list haha, is I'm leading a youth camping trip tomorrow in the mountains. Wait for it, here comes the funny part....I know nothing about the mountains or camping. LOLZ! No worries though because luckily we have some other staff guys joining us on the trip that will make sure we don't die or anything. I'm so excited for this trip because some of the youth that are going haven't really been connected with the youth this summer so it's awesome that they want to come and be with us. It's going to be awesome. This week is going to be awesome in the sense that there will be tons of fun, food (a couple of barq's and a huge potluck) and just really a ton of time to just be with these kids that I have grown so close to this summer. On the other side, its sad because I have to leave to the Midwest Sunday. I'm going to miss everything about Colorado. It's been a straight up blast! So many memories and good times, so that brings me to the serious part of this post.

Leaving on Sunday has brought on a lot of questions in my mind. It's very clear to me that Colorado is a place that I can come to when school is over and be very happy but at the end of the day, I know that it has to be a God thing and I can't selfishly jump into a cross-country move without God's full blessing and it has to line up with His will for my life. SO right now, thing that I'm working out with God are whether or not if this is what He has for me? Whether it is or not, my desire is to be connected to this body of believers in some way. Man the doors that God is opening in the city of Englewood is like crazy cool. TJ, Brandon, the kids pastor at EA and myself all have been hanging out at the high school with the football team. TJ and Brandon are coaches and I just hang out and attempt to lift weights and get to know the players as much as possible. Think about that, 3 church dudes, just hanging at the high school, being positive influences to tons of young men. That doesn't happen everyday. There are so many other things that EA has been blessed with as far as the community goes, its crazy legit.

I love it here but I know that the Lord has so great things for me in IL this next year with school and everything, its going to be great but pray for me for clarity for the Lord as far as the next step after that and also for me to be obedient with whatever He says. I feel like the Lord has truly been preaching patience in my life in every area. I have the tendency to want things to unfold quickly and sometimes it becomes easy and convenient to take things into my own hands. My heart to wait upon to the Lord for complete direction of my life. This is a very exciting time in my life and I'm pumped to see what God has planned for my life in the next couple years. It's gonna be amazing! Blessings to you all and until next time...

2 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Currently Listening To-
I Heart Revolution-Hillsong United

Currently Reading-
John Maxwell Leadership Bible

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