Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Joe the Time Maximizer

Whaddup World! So all day yesterday I was thinking about what I should name my next blog post. Here are some of my ideas

Lookin like a Fool with your Vans in the Snow

What a Day

WOW(not world of war craft)

My life without Facebook-Day One

Haha, now I know that all of your favorites out of all of these has to be the first one and until I realized how great these past few days have been because of my improve time management, it was the obvious choice. It snowed like 6 or 7 inches on Sunday and yesterday as i was walking, I thought about how silly I am for not having a pair of boots to walk through the snow in. I love vans so much and the checker pair that I have now are my shoe of choice on most days but on a snowy day like yesterday I kind of wished that I had some boots so my feet and socks wouldn't get wet. I also would look more like a person from Northern Illinois who has a handle on how to dress in the winter with snow. Today was much better for my feet so the vans will be sticking around for now.
Now the next 3 titles are what I really want to talk about. I absolutely love not being on Facebook, the web and not watching lots of t.v. as I did up to Sunday. I have gotten so much stuff done over the last two days, its crazy and super great. Yesterday after work and class, I came home to study for about 3 hours and then I took a test while I watched One Tree Hill, one of my favorite shows ever. After this I left home to do some homework in the library with friends which was fun and then come home after an exhausting day to hit the hay.
Okay so this might not sound like a super cool day but I'm very proud of myself for not wasting my day away like I have the tendency to do at times because as Francis Chan talks about in "Crazy Love" James 4:14 reminds us that our lives here on earth are "a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanishes away." I think that everyone knows this but they don't take it to heart. That's why facebook, tv, video games and so many other things can be detrimental to people's lives at time. I read an article for one of my classes in which a girl talked about how much time she wastes on Facebook. Sarah checks her facebook a dozen times in a given day. That's so crazy but I have to admit that I wasn't far behind her. There are so many distractions in life that are hard to overcome at times but if you do, your life can end up being so much better. I've been learning that over the past two days and it's been great. I write for the school paper's sports section and usually I procrastinate to the point where almost everyone else on the staff has their articles in and I'm still scrambling to get all of mines in on time. In the absence of Facebook, t.v. and all of the other distractions in my life, I was able to pound out all of my articles that I need for tomorrow TODAY!It feels great and I know that my colleagues will appreciate it so much.
I've been finishing my reading of "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and its pretty sweet! I haven't gotten too much farther than I was on Sunday but I'm going to read a few chapters tonight so my next post will definitely include some Chan words of knowledge. Good Stuff. Well I gotta get going since I have small group and some other things going on tonight. Much Love folks and see ya next time.

Joe Canady
Philippians 4:13

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